Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm the type of girl who watches the Super Bowl

Last night’s Super Bowl game was quite entertaining- There were several exciting interceptions, some multimillion dollar car commercials and an electric half time concert.  But the most entertainment I had last night didn’t include any of these things.
By far my fondest memory of Super Bowl 2011 will be of my husband attempting to achieve clear reception for our impressive 48inch flat screen high def TV using a prehistoric set of bunny ear antennas.
As a family we had decided to limit our Television use, so common sense had us canceling our cable and resorting back to primitive means. Unfortunately getting clear reception in our basement was like trying to start a BMW using a triple A battery and jumper cables.
First we had a full 10 minutes of antenna rearranging- Left, Right, Crisscross, and Repeat- over and over he wrestled with the bunny ears. The scene strongly resembled an air traffic controller being chased by a swarm of bees.
Gradually his frustrations mounted as blips from the first quarter flashed across the TV screen. “Was that an interception?” he moaned while performing an especially impressive double Crisscross maneuver resulting in yet more static. I chuckled at his obvious antenna expertise.
Finally he stormed from the room; kids scattering to clear him a path. Upon returning he met me with intense glare (apparently he did not find the situation as humorous as I did) and an entire roll of aluminum foil.  As a former boy scout he had come prepared.
A few minutes and 12 feet of aluminum later each antenna reached 6 feet in length and was snuggly mummified in silver casings. It was a truly hideous sight….but oddly enough the picture on our big screen was nearly pristine.
Alas, NEARLY was not good enough however and guessing what the problem might be, he held the antenna base 3 feet higher. This last action resulted in success and football in all its’ glory shone crystal clear on the screen. He asked me to hold it EXACTLY as he had, so I accommodated reluctantly.
 Standing back to admire his handwork he cocked his head to the side deep in thought. I held my breath wondering if his final solution would require me standing next to the TV for the next 3 hours. I silently started to plan my escape route…I strategized that if I hit him over the head with a nearby liter of root beer that would buy me enough time to run away.
Finally he snapped his fingers and stormed into the laundry room. Toting an empty clothes hamper he snatched the antenna from my hands and placed it on the upside down hamper. Instantly the room shone with celestial light and a chorus of angels erupted into “Handel’s Messiah”. Danny turned triumphantly, arms raised in the traditional touchdown stance and continued to admire his handy work.
It was quite a sight. Upside down clothes hamper, a set of 1990’s rabbits ears wrapped in 12 feet of alumina foil that nearly brushed the ceiling of our family room and a proud as a peacock husband.
 Forget the million dollar commercials and the momentum changing plays get yourself a set of rabbit ears and a football frenzied husband and now you’re talking real entertainment!
Oh and if you like living on the edge…..hide the remote! 


  1. hope you will follow mine Amber lol.

    Loved it this was funny , and a sight I wished I seen.

  2. Love that you did not have to shorten it !! YAY!!

  3. Amber, I even added you to my "favorites" bar.

  4. That's awesome! Amber, you know how to bring us into your stories like we were there! Thank you for the picture, too! LIKE, LIKE, LIKE!!!
